
Luke Glendining

Full Stack Web Developer

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Contact me:

I am a young ambitious tech lover who has a passion for code. I have a National Diploma in Information Technoology and Business Analysis which I obtained from the Cape Peninsula University of technology. I have over 5 years experience working on Linux web servers running the LAMP stack. For just over 3 of those 5+ years I worked as a Service Manager in a Technical Support team which taught me how to mentor and manage people as well as how to deal with customers as the job included customer interactions.
I decided to resign from that job and pursue my passion for code in order to be able to make a career switch and become a Software Developer. The first step in achieveing this goal was to enroll in a Full Stack Web Development bootcamp with Hyperion Development. I have successfully completed the bootcamp and I am now looking to add value and make an impact in the tech industry as a Software Developer.
What I'm good at:

Frontend Development

I use React.js as well as the popular Next.js to build high quality websites. I also make use of Tailwind CSS for styling, to ensure that the application is responsive and beautifully designed.

Backend Development

I use Node.js, Express.js and MongoDB to build out the backend of web apps. I enjoy using these technologies as they are well supported and well documented.

API Development

I use the very popular and famous Express.js framework to build out API's for applications. I also make use of the very popular and amazing API testing tool called Postman.


I make use of different deployment platforms to deploy my applications, these platforms include Heroku, Firebase, Vercel, Netlify and GitHub pages.

Linux web server administration

I have worked on Linux web servers for over 5 years, I am confident with LAMP systems and I have a deep understanding of how these systems work.

Fullstack MERN development

I specialize in building MERN applications, I have a passion for Full Stack e-commerce development and I have experience in building functioning e-commerce websites.